PRWeb Cision: Secures Additional Funding to Expand Investment in Its Software and Establis

Published On: November 5, 2018Categories: News, the leading provider of data and privacy management & control solutions, announced today that the company has secured a new round of investment led by Connecticut Innovations with participation from Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) and the Israeli government. The financing will be used to support’s continued growth, establish the company’s U.S. headquarters in Stamford and make further investments in its software.

“We’re excited to have highly experienced investment partners that can help us execute our vision that the ‘personal data discovery challenge’ can only be solved with a network-based approach,” said Zak Rubinstein, CEO of “With their natural talent pools, Israel and Connecticut have proven to be excellent choices to boost our development and field execution.”

Founded in 2017, is the first automated privacy control and management solution that takes a network approach, providing unparalleled visibility, granularity, and accuracy without the need for any resource-intensive configuration requirements. Whether data is structured or unstructured, at rest or in motion, or known or unknown, offers an instant view of the risk associated with personal data storage, processing or sharing throughout an organization.

“Personal data privacy is an area of significant concern worldwide,” said Matthew Bloom, Director of Investments at Connecticut Innovations. “It’s a space that we’ve been looking at for quite some time, and we’re thrilled to be backing such an experienced management team at With its unique network-based approach, this is the first solution we’ve seen that is truly capable of providing fully comprehensive, dynamic and automated enterprise-wide data discovery. Not only does this address a key challenge for privacy regulation compliance, but this technology also has implications for data management applications on a much broader scale.”

“We’re excited to witness’s rapid growth,” said Yoav Tzruya, General Partner at JVP. “It’s rarely the case that a seed-stage company succeeds in securing a significant install base within its first year of operations and is able to demonstrate great product and market fit and ease of deployment. We see the company uniquely positioned to address not only General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but also the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Other approaches are laborious and relevant to a single point in time or only cover what’s above the surface, underserving the 90 percent of enterprise private data that is not mapped and discovered.”

Since launching its unique PII discovery modules, has penetrated several verticals such as finance, insurance, retail and health, helping its customers meet the challenges of GDPR and the upcoming CCPA.

About is an Israeli-based and U.S.-headquartered technology company providing automated real-time discovery, mapping and tracking of personal data flow. Its founders have 20 years of experience developing successful networking and security technologies and bringing them to market. combines proven cutting-edge technology from the fields of unique personal data discovery and flow and dynamic network element discovery that is leveraged in some of the most demanding environments in the world.