The rise of quantum computers will render much of the existing cryptographic algorithms useless

This is including RSA, AES 128, ECC, Diffie Helman and others. This is a major threat to any organization holding sensitive data (any enterprise, government, hospital, etc.).

The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has been evaluating algorithms that can withstand quantum computers and recently selected four for PKI and digital signatures. As a result, proactive organizations want to discover, classify, and inventory their existing crypto so they can prioritize what to replace and are asking for solutions to help do this.

How We Help Inventa 3.3 now has cryptographic discovery to find secrets and cryptographic assets in storage. Examples include:

  • Type of secret (key, token, credentials, etc.)​
  • Crypto function (MD2/5, SHA, HMAC, etc.)
  • Crypto algorithm (DSA, EC, DES, AES, CMS, etc.)
  • Length of encryption key (128 bits, 256 bits, etc.)

With our classification search, the user can easily filter to find “128 bit keys” or “DES” to create a simple inventory of vulnerable encryption in their environment. Then, with a single click, the list can be exported to the relevant tools – ServiceNow, SIEM, SOAR – for remediation.

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The more data an enterprise manages – the greater the danger of a data breach, information leak, or unauthorized data transfer.

Enterprises cannot afford this risk: regulators, customers, and risk analysts are all quick to identify and negatively impact companies that fall victim to breaches.

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